Registration Form Please complete and submit to validate your name on our wait list. Name of person completing this form: (required) Date: (required) (YYYY-MM-DD) Client's Information Client's last name: (required) Client's first name: (required) Age: Date of birth: (YYYY-MM-DD) Gender Identity: Male/ManFemale/WomanTransMale/TransManTransFemale/TransWomanGender Neutral/Gender NonconformingSomething elseDecline to answer Marital status: MarriedSingleSeparatedDivorcedN/A Person with limited mobility: YesNo Address: If client is under legal guardianship, please provide the name and role of the legal guardian: Client’s home phone number: Client’s cell phone number: Client’s work phone number: Client's email: Please note that we may contact you by email: YesNo Parent or caregiver's name: Parent or caregiver's telephone number: Parent or caregiver's email: Parent or caregiver's relationship to client: MotherFatherCaregiverOther Parent or caregiver lives at the same address? YesNo 2nd Parent or caregiver's name: 2nd Parent or caregiver's telephone number: 2nd Parent or caregiver's email: 2nd Parent or caregiver's relationship to client: MotherFatherCaregiverOther 2nd Parent or caregiver lives at the same address? YesNo Client’s RAMQ number: Expiration date: (YYYY-MM-DD) Name on the card: How did you hear about Clinique Spectrum? Family / FriendsSocial MediaDoctorOther Type of service requested What type of services are you looking for? Diagnostic assessmentAutism diagnostic evaluation + full psychiatric evaluationPsychiatric evaluation (for patients already formally diagnosed with autism)Psychotherapy Scheduling of appointments Who should we contact regarding the scheduling of appointments? ParentCaregiverOther Name: Telephone: Email: Parent's RAMQ information Parent’s RAMQ number if accompanying the client: Expiration date: (YYYY-MM-DD) Name on the card: Person responsible for billing Name: Relationship to client: Email: Home telephone number: Date of birth: (YYYY-MM-DD) Address if different from client: Pharmacy Name of pharmacy: Telephone: Address: Fax number: In case of an Emergency Name of local friend or relative (not living at the same address): Relationship to client: Home telephone number: Cellular: By clicking send I confirm the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that I have requested services from Clinique Spectrum from my free will and was not solicited by Clinique Spectrum or its associates. I also acknowledge that my clinical information will be entered onto OSCAR, Clinique Spectrum’s secure EMR (Electronic Medical Record) and that my nominal information will be visible to the healthcare professionals working at Clinique Spectrum. The data stored about me is encrypted. Prior to filling out our forms, please ensure that you have the consent of the individual for whom you are filling out the forms (in the case of a minor, or an adult with an incapacity). Please read our privacy policy to learn more about how your personal information is protected through our website and communications. Please also read below for our cancellation policy and services that are not covered by the RAMQ. Services not covered by the RAMQ Cancellation Policy We require 24 hours’ notice for any cancellation of a scheduled appointment. Where possible, we will reschedule the appointment. Without a written notification of cancellation to, we will be obliged to charge the hourly fee for services. See Code de déontologie des psychologues art. 54 no. 3 & Code de déontologie des médecins, art. 104 à 106. Δ